Frozen Stupid2:Open Water - now available on DVD or streaming
Frozen Stupid2:Open Water is a feature-length motion picture based on an original screenplay written by Rich Brauer. It is a sequel to the original film also written and directed by Rich Brauer.
Most of the original professional cast and crew returned. These included 9 SAG performers coming in from as far away as Los Angeles. Professional champion walleye fisherman Mark Martin appears as… Mark Martin!
Brauer’s feature films offer intern positions on the crew for emerging film students interested in pursuing filmmaking as a career. This gives a rare opportunity for the next generation of technicians and artists to work on a real film, with real actors. Since the Michigan Film Incentive no longer exists, these young and enthusiastic individuals appreciate this as a special and unique chance to pursue their personal artistic growth.
Many organizations and individuals in Michigan were excited about the return of our crew and the creation of this film. Among them; Roscommon EDC, the Roscommon Tourism Bureau, and the Houghton Lake Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, local tackle shop Lyman’s on the Lake (who sold almost 2,000 DVD’s of the first film) and many other businesses participated in the fun.
Frozen Stupid2:Open Water will be Brauer’s 9th feature film produced in Michigan.
Filming took place during September 2019 in Roscommon County. Post-production is underway. The finished film is expected to be premiered sometime in the summer of 2020. Stay tuned!
Video Production, Commercials, Interviews, Filmmaker, Director, Gaffer, Lighting, Grip Truck
"Cameras don't shoot movies, people do." - R. Brauer
Fitful: The Lost Director's Cut

Fitful: The Lost Director's Cut
An inspector (played by Renee O’Connor) for the Historic Trust visits an abandoned ship on a desolate waterfront. She meets up with the self-appointed caretaker (Larry Joe Campbell) who had blindly made the application for historical status. Upon arrival, her car is accidentally destroyed. Far from town, she is stuck for the night. Without any particular option, she accepts his offer to spend the night on the once proud steamship. What follows is a sleepless night of bad dreams and creepy reality. This is definitely one of Director Rich Brauer's most surprisingly unusual films.